September Report of Visits
Month of September, a hot month with lot of renovation work at the Seafarer’s Center.
Usual month of ship visitation and meeting with old and new Sailor friends.In the beginning of the month upon a email request of a German Captain by the name of Mr.Rose, I took ten and ten total 20 Sailors to Universal Studio for two days using Seafarers’ center big blue van. Both days we began our journey with a prayer to Lord Jesus, in the Name of Jesus. That set a tone for our talk and general behavior. I was able to share Gospel and plan of Salvation with them. They responded well. The ship was Colombo Express in Tra Pac terminal. On Sept.4th we visited Hanover Express and had a very rewarding prayer and worship time. On 5th we visited OOCL Southampton, had a powerful Gospel meeting with Chinese and Filipino Sailors. Mr.Isaac from Hong Kong was touched deeply by the Holy Spirit and we three chaplains prayed over him placing our hands on him. on 11th September we visited a ship, Kuala Lumpur Express and had a good worship time which was attended by seven Sailors who enjoyed the christian hymns. Same evening I visited ship Atlantic Infinity and took 8 Sailors to Best Buy and helped with their needs, also shared our Faith with them.
On September 12th we had a Marine Salute evening on board Queen Mary in Long Beach, an evening of honoring our Sailors and various Port Authorities and Coast Guard. I was privileged to say Invocation prayer and share Scripture reading with the distinguished guests. On 14th Saturday Mr. Chim Mandalia and I visited I-CAN a South Asian Pastors gathering where I was elected as a new board member of I-CAN. On 9-16 I visited ship Cota Perabu and on 17th I took 7 Sailors out to city tour and Beverly Hills area which we started with prayer and at the end of tour I gave them Gospel of John booklet to enjoy on board.
On 18th September Ron and I visited Good Shepherd Lutheran on the hill in San Pedro and visited Rev. Chris Lindstrom and had a very fruitful 2 hour meeting and discussion about various aspects of ministry with our Maritime ministry in focus. We are invited to that Church and preach on November 10th. Our Board Chairman Mr. Ron Nelson arranged for that fruitful meeting and also drove me there.
On 20th Friday one of our dear board members called the staff of First Lutheran Church in South-Central Carson and arranged for our visit to the church and we both went and met with their staff. This is a church where our retired bishop Rev. Dean Nelson is serving as interim Pastor. Good new connection for our ministry. On 21st September Mr. Chim Mandalia and I visited Church of South India annual Conference where we were able to show our Power Point ministry work. Chim and I both spoke promoting our maritime ministry.
I visited ships OOCL Luxembourg and Ho Chi Minh City and had powerful prayer and worship time. I also took sailors out to visit our city and helped with their shopping needs. On 27th I visited CMA CGM Chennai and met with Captain Mr. Surinder Singh Dalal after three and half year, had very pleasant meeting and also provided them transportation to Lakewood Mall and had great time of discussion about current affairs and Gospel.
By and large a great month of serving our Lord.